Wednesday, May 11, 2011

UPCOMING EVENTS!!! (Not to be missed....)

There are LOTS of amazing events happening in the next few weeks here in Elkhart! Don't miss out! 

1st: This Thursday for 4-H there is an Urban Wild Edibles Hike! Meet at Jubilee House at 4:30! This is a great opportunity to get to know the neighborhood and recognize sources of free food right where we live! 

2nd: ELFA Spring Kick-Off!!!! Meet at Jubilee House at 3 p.m. on SUNDAY (this Sunday) May 15th! We will travel by bike (so bring your bike, or if you are unable there will be vans) to 7 of the ELFA Gardens to install our new SIGNS (thanks to Sam Jerome!) and then meet back at the Roosevelt Center Park for a potluck! 

3rd: Rise up Farms is hosting a 5K on Saturday the 21st! It is sure to be a great time! 

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